OpenSite Designer Help

Coordinate Grid Tool

You can access this tool from the following:

Ribbon: Site > Annotation > Coordinate Grid Tool

Coordinate Grid tool

Coordinate Grid tool dialog is as explained below.

Horizontal Line Element Template: Defines the element template for the symbology of the horizontal lines that will be placed. If no element template is defined, it should use the active symbology settings. If toggled off, the horizontal lines will not be placed.

Vertical Line Element Template: defines the element template for the symbology of the vertical lines that will be placed. If no element template is defined, it should use the active symbology settings. If toggled off, the vertical lines will not be placed.

Coordinate Template: Places the coordinates at the grid points. If this box is unchecked, it will not place the coordinates.

Coordinate Element Template: Defines the element template for the coordinate values that will be placed. If no element template is defined, it should use the active symbology and text style. If toggled off, the coordinate values will not be placed. If a cell is defined in the element template, it will place a cell at the grid intersection points. Text styles will also be honored in the element template.

Number of Rows & Spacing: Defines the number of rows (horizontal lines) that will be placed and the spacing between them.

Number of Columns & Spacing: Defines the number of columns (vertical lines) that will be placed and the spacing between them.

Coordinate X Prefix & Suffix: Defines the text that will be appended before or after the annotated X coordinate value.

Coordinate Y Prefix & Suffix: Defines the text that will be appended before or after the annotated Y coordinate value.

Origin: There will be two methods available.

Cursor Point: User defines a data point at the lower left start point of the grid to be placed. (X and Y fields should be dithered for this method.)

Fixed Point: User keys in the X and Y values in the X and Y fields.

X: Defines the X coordinate value for the placement of the grid. Only available when Fixed Point is chosen for Origin.

Y: Defines the Y coordinate value for the placement of the grid. Only available when Fixed Point is chosen for Origin.

Annotate As: Dictates what order to write the X and Y. Only one choice can be picked.
Note: All dialog box fields should be saved after 1st use and when changed. These need to be stored like other dialog setting in the product. Normally these are stored in the following location and recalled when invoking the tool in subsequent operations. There should be an XML file created with the tool settings.

The precision for the annotation should be set to whatever value is used in the Civil Formatting in the settings.

Design File Settings Dialog